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Research Interests

I am passionate about pushing the boundaries of computational science and engineering, with a focus on the following areas:

Core Areas of Expertise

  • Meshless Methods: Advancing techniques that eliminate the need for traditional meshes in numerical simulations.
  • Numerical Analysis: Exploring methods for solving mathematical problems.
  • Numerical Simulation: Simulating real-world phenomena using numerics to solve PDEs.
  • Adaptive Solution Procedures: Design and development of adaptive methods for efficient and accurate problem-solving, especially h, p and hp-adaptivity techniques.
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC): Leveraging parallel computing and optimization for large-scale simulations.
  • Computational Modelling: Developing and applying models to simulate complex systems.

Interested in Collaborating

I am eager to contribute to projects that involve:

  • Numerical Simulations: Applying and refining techniques for accurate computational experiments.
  • Soft Body Dynamics: Simulating the behavior of deformable bodies, with applications in various fields.
  • Aerodynamics: Computationally exploring the behavior of fluid dynamics around objects, particularly for aviation or automotive purposes.
  • Racing Yacht Simulation: Passionate about applying physics and engineering to optimize yacht performance in competitive sailing.
  • Code Implementation of Math & Physics: Translating complex mathematical and physical concepts into robust, efficient software.

Open to New Ideas?

Absolutely! If you have an intriguing project, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to get in touch.